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Qiqihar e-commerce training which is good

Release time: 2023-01-15 02:08:58
Qiqihar e-commerce training which is good

Qiqihar e-commerce training which is good

Use different methods to capture and highlight the unique characteristics of a product or theme,Make it clear,Put these features in the main visual part of the advertising screen,Or for drying treatment,So that the audience can feel the moment they touch the text picture,Generate attention and visual interest,To achieve the promotion purpose of stimulating the desire to buy。In advertising performance, these characteristics should be highlighted and rendered, generally by the unique personality image of the product with personality, the manufacturer's corporate logo, the product's trademark, etc., to determine。Highlighting is also a very commonly used expression technique that we commonly use, which is one of the important methods to highlight the theme of advertising, and has a performance value that can not be ignored。

Qiqihar e-commerce training which is good

Qiqihar e-commerce training which is good

Feeling is to be cultivated by ourselves. We can improve our aesthetic ability by appreciating the following types of successful works。Appreciate successful graphic design work,Not only can absorb creative and performance knowledge,It can also inspire thinking about the flexible use of software;Watch a lot of good commercials,Shooting in film and television advertising is composed of pictures,One of the images feels good,We can learn their expression and color scheme,In this way, we can accumulate a lot of knowledge and experience。There are still many graphic design works worth learning around us, we should pay attention to it。The previous step through the study of the basic knowledge of design, unconsciously you have entered the imitation stage of design, whether it is book design, packaging design, logo design, which requires constant practice, the application of knowledge in practice, in order to deeply understand the profound meaning of the theory, only do more to apply freely。

Qiqihar e-commerce training which is good

Qiqihar e-commerce training which is good

CorelDraw and Illustrator are vector graphics graphics software, widely used in packaging, promotional page design and production, so that you more convenient Logo and VIS design。InDesign is a typesetting design software, mainly used for advanced professional typesetting production of publications, books, brochures, newspapers and magazines。Each software has its own advantages, flexible use and combination will get unexpected results。The important source of information is vision, color is an important factor to stimulate vision, so the use and grasp of color in graphic design is particularly important, but also not simple。

Qiqihar e-commerce training which is good

Qiqihar e-commerce training which is good

The basic law of graphic design is the law of formal beauty, which is a lifelong study, research and application of graphic designers。The rule of beauty in form is the experience summary and abstract generalization of the rule of beauty in the process of creating beauty。It mainly includes: symmetrical balance, harmonic contrast, proportion, rhythm and rhythm, and diversity and unity。Studying and exploring the rules of formal beauty can cultivate people's sensitivity to formal beauty and guide people to create beautiful things better。Mastering the rule of formal beauty can make people more consciously use the rule of formal beauty to express the content of beauty, and achieve a high degree of unity between the form and the content of beauty。

Qiqihar e-commerce training which is good

Qiqihar e-commerce training which is good

The basic skill of graphic design is the study and skilled application of graphic design software, if you do not know the software of graphic design, everything is a white talk, do not know the software of graphic design, just like can not use the brush can not become a calligrapher, do not know the word can not become a writer。Graphic design commonly used software include Photoshop, CorelDraw, Illustrator, InDesign and so on。Photoshop is a powerful, widely used and excellent bitmap image processing software launched by Adobe, which has always occupied the leader position of image processing software and is a must-use software for graphic design, widely involving images, graphics, text, video, publishing and other aspects。

Qiqihar e-commerce training which is good

Qiqihar e-commerce training which is good

Graphic design is to combine different basic graphics into patterns on the plane according to certain rules。The boundary between the map and the ground is divided by the outline line within the scope of the second space, and the image is depicted。The three-dimensional sense of space expressed by the graphic design is not a real three-dimensional space, but only an illusion space formed by the visual guidance of graphics。From a narrow sense of understanding, harmonious graphic design is unity and contrast between the two is not boring monotonous or chaotic。In a broad sense, when judging the relationship between two or more elements, or between parts and parts, the feelings and consciousness assigned to us by each part are an overall coordination relationship。