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Hegang e-commerce training phone

Release time: 2023-01-31 02:08:27
Hegang e-commerce training phone

Hegang e-commerce training phone

The basic law of graphic design is the law of formal beauty, which is a lifelong study, research and application of graphic designers。The rule of beauty in form is the experience summary and abstract generalization of the rule of beauty in the process of creating beauty。It mainly includes: symmetrical balance, harmonic contrast, proportion, rhythm and rhythm, and diversity and unity。Studying and exploring the rules of formal beauty can cultivate people's sensitivity to formal beauty and guide people to create beautiful things better。Mastering the rule of formal beauty can make people more consciously use the rule of formal beauty to express the content of beauty, and achieve a high degree of unity between the form and the content of beauty。

Hegang e-commerce training phone

Hegang e-commerce training phone

Graphic design is to combine different basic graphics into patterns on the plane according to certain rules。The boundary between the map and the ground is divided by the outline line within the scope of the second space, and the image is depicted。The three-dimensional sense of space expressed by the graphic design is not a real three-dimensional space, but only an illusion space formed by the visual guidance of graphics。From a narrow sense of understanding, harmonious graphic design is unity and contrast between the two is not boring monotonous or chaotic。In a broad sense, when judging the relationship between two or more elements, or between parts and parts, the feelings and consciousness assigned to us by each part are an overall coordination relationship。

Hegang e-commerce training phone

Hegang e-commerce training phone

The successful use of contrast techniques can make the seemingly ordinary picture processing process contain rich connotations, showing the different levels and depths of advertising theme performance。On the basis of imagination, a rather obvious exaggeration is made of a certain quality or feature advertised in an advertising work in order to deepen or expand the cognition of these features。Literary critic Gorky said: "Exaggeration is the fundamental principle of creation。In this way, the essence of things can be more prominent or revealed, thus enhancing the artistic effect of the work。The functional scope of graphic design is so wide that it is not difficult to learn?Of course not, the course of graphic design is very rich, but it is not difficult to learn, as long as you master the correct method and review it is easy to learn。

Hegang e-commerce training phone

Hegang e-commerce training phone

After the theme is clear, the layout color layout and expression form become the core of the layout design art, and it is also a difficult creative process。How to achieve new meaning, beautiful shape, variety, aesthetic interest, which depends on the cultural connotation of the designer。Therefore, the composition of layout is a comprehensive test of the designer's ideological realm, artistic accomplishment and technical knowledge。The decorative factors of the layout are composed of the combination and arrangement of points, lines and surfaces, and the use of exaggeration, metaphor and symbol technology to reflect the visual effect not only beautifies the layout, but also improves the function of information transmission。Decoration is made up of aesthetic features。Different types of layout information, there are different decorative forms, it not only plays a role in excluding other aspects, highlighting the layout information, but also allows the reader to enjoy the beauty。