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Suihua graphic design training fee

Post time: 2023-03-15 02:06:39
Suihua graphic design training fee

Suihua graphic design training fee

The basic skill of graphic design is the study and skilled application of graphic design software, if you do not know the software of graphic design, everything is a white talk, do not know the software of graphic design, just like can not use the brush can not become a calligrapher, do not know the word can not become a writer。Graphic design commonly used software include Photoshop, CorelDraw, Illustrator, InDesign and so on。Photoshop is a powerful, widely used and excellent bitmap image processing software launched by Adobe, which has always occupied the leader position of image processing software and is a must-use software for graphic design, widely involving images, graphics, text, video, publishing and other aspects。

Suihua graphic design training fee

Suihua graphic design training fee

Symmetry: Suppose a vertical line is set in the center of a graph, and the graph is divided into equal left and right parts, and the left and right parts of the graph are exactly equal, which is a symmetric graph。Balance: From the physical understanding refers to the weight relationship, in graphic design refers to the balance of the distribution and visual judgment according to the shape, size, weight, color and material of the image。Proportion: refers to the quantitative relationship between parts and parts, or parts and the whole。Proportion is an important factor that constitutes the size of all units in the design, as well as the arrangement and combination of units。Center of gravity: the center of the picture, that is, the center of gravity of vision, the change of the outline of the picture, the convergence and dispersion of the graph, the distribution of color or light and dark can have an impact on the visual center。

Suihua graphic design training fee

Suihua graphic design training fee

Design is the combination of technology and art, is the product of the commercial society, in the commercial society need art design and creative ideal balance, need to be objective and restraint, need to speak for the client through the mouth of the author。The key to design is to discover that it can only be done through continuous deep feelings and experiences, and that it is a challenge for designers to impress others。Design should be moving, enough details can move people, graphic creativity itself can move people, color creative taste can move people, material texture can move people...The design of a variety of elements of the organic artistic combination。In addition, the designer should understand that the rigorous attitude itself can cause people's spiritual vibration。

Suihua graphic design training fee

Suihua graphic design training fee

The theoretical study and practice of hue, brightness, saturation and tone in color composition are indispensable rational color knowledge。The artistic pioneers in the field of painting tried to match color feeling, which gave designers the experience of using color to express feelings。Each color combination forms a specific "tone.",Each tone will give people a different emotion for example: in many color books,Have an introduction,9 to 16 notes,23 great senses,126 little sensations and so on,Each sense gives examples of color combinations,Each tone (color sense) here is composed of colors of different brightness, hue, and saturation in proportion to the area。