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Jixi e-commerce training institutions

Release time: 2022-09-26 02:10:41
Jixi e-commerce training institutions

Jixi e-commerce training institutions

"Contrast" is a prominent way of expression in which artistic beauty tends to conflict。Through the nature and characteristics of the things described in the work, it is expressed, so that it is compared with that, so that it is corresponding to it, so that it is different, to achieve concentrated, concise and tortuous changes。With this method, the performance and characteristics of the product are more prominent or suggested, giving consumers a profound visual feeling。It can be said that art is a universal and effective way of expression, which is determined by the expression technique of contrast。The application of comparative method can not only enhance the strength of expression, but also be interesting and expand the attraction of advertising works。

Jixi e-commerce training institutions

Jixi e-commerce training institutions

Enterprise visual communication resources to achieve the ideal brand communication effect。Advertising design refers to the intermediate process from idea to production。Advertising design is the combination of advertising theme, creativity, language, image, foil and other five elements。In order to achieve the purpose of attracting attention, the goal of advertising design is through advertising。Posters are an art of spreading information and a propaganda tool for mass communication。Posters are also called posters。Posted on the streets,Attract the attention of passers-by with its striking pictures,Poster design must have considerable appeal and artistic appeal,To play the image, color, composition, modeling and other elements to form a strong visual effect,The picture should have a strong visual center,Strive for novelty and simplicity,It also has unique artistic style and design characteristics。

Jixi e-commerce training institutions

Jixi e-commerce training institutions

Graphic design works appear in front of people mostly through printing, so it is necessary to learn printing knowledge。As a graphic designer to master the pre-press technology, familiar with the printing process, understanding the post-press processing technology will bring endless charm to our design, the design is also good on paper, can be printed out, bring good works to consumers is the hard truth。The above are essential knowledge and ability to learn graphic design, without one, there is no shortcut to design, we only continue to practice and innovation, in order to slowly rise in the temper。

Jixi e-commerce training institutions

Jixi e-commerce training institutions

To train graphic design professionals as the goal。Through the systematic study of the major,Students can master the relevant design principles, Photoshop software, CorelDRAW vector software, Illustrator vector software graphic drawing technology in a short period of time;And graphic design material knowledge, operation process, module training, simulation and customer communication and other practical courses。Theory of graphic design: 1. Principle of graphic design;2.The qualities of graphic designers;3.Print advertising creativity;4.The way of thinking of print advertising creativity 5.The expression of print advertising creativity 6.Different styles of learning 7.Attributes and characteristics of graphic design in different industries 8.Modular training theory